Monday, 6 May 2019

Osaka firm offers room to weary dads in no mood for Golden Week shopping

In Osaka’s busy Minami downtown district, a rental office company offered a special service targeted at fathers and children just for Golden Week — a special room for rent where they could rest while other family members shopped.

The firm, Naniwa Midosuji Hall, offered space in the 200-square-meter room under the advertising slogan: “We Keep Your Dads.” For a basic fee of ¥500 per person per hour, sleeping mats and huge cushions were made available. Users could also enjoy Wi-Fi, manga, beer and other drinks for additional charges.

This 200-square-meter rental office room in Osaka's Minami district was offered to fathers and children who wished to rest while other members of their family were out shopping during Golden Week. | KYODO

The firm usually rents out office rooms for business use, but Golden Week is a very slow time of the year.

“In a cafe, I would feel uncomfortable because other people would see me,” said a man in his 40s, who came from Nara Prefecture with his wife who was shopping at that time. “This room helps me a lot.”

Another man came to stay in the room as his wife and daughter went to a music concert. Women were also welcome, the firm said.

(Source: JT)

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