
Saturday 29 February 2020

Qatar cofirms first case of Coronavirus in the country

Qatar has recorded its first confirmed case of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) on 29 February 2020, said the Minister of Public Health on Saturday.

The Ministry said in a statement today that the patient is a 36-year-old Qatari male who returned recently from the Islamic Republic of Iran. He was evacuated out of the country on a government-chartered plane and along with all other passengers has been under full quarantine, and has been admitted to Communicable Disease Center and isolated under strict infection control measures, the statement said adding that he is in a stable condition.

The statement explained that given the nature of the coronavirus and the extent of the global spread, finding a case in Qatar was expected, stressing that the ministry began examining all persons closely related to the patient and implementing appropriate quarantine measures, adding that there is currently no evidence of the spread of the virus in the country. Efforts are currently focused on examining incoming travelers in all the country's entry points, the statement has stressed.

The Ministry of Public Health is taking all measures to limit the further spread of the virus and asks the public to take caution and implement the simple protective measures by frequent washing of hands or using hand sanitizer, avoiding sick people, keeping social distancing and coughing or sneezing into the sleeve of a flexed elbow or use a tissue which then should be discarded into a closed bin.

The Ministry also advises all those who have been in any of the countries where the virus has been reported in the last 14 days and suffer from cough and fever to come forward for testing or to call the hotline of the Ministry of Public Health at 16000.

The Ministry of Public Health is working closely with all partners and with the World Health Organisation to ensure the implementation of latest guidelines and the appropriate public health measures and asks the public to regularly check the ministry's website for the latest advisories and information.

The Ministry of Public Health urges the public to extend their help and cooperation with the health authorities in the implementation of the public heath measures and cautions against listening to unreliable sources of information and rumors. 

(Source: Qatar Tribune)

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