
Wednesday 1 January 2020

Happy New Year 2020

“Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;

Ring out the false, ring in the true,” said Alfred Lord Tennyson. 

The biggest lesson I learnt in 2019 was that we have no idea who's coming into our life and who's going to leave. Be prepared for anything and everything, for life is just a journey and never a destination in itself. We meet so many, we bid goodbye to so many. We learn something, we unlearn something... 

Don't worry if someone calls you a mad person. People called Einstein a mad man, Leonardo da Vinci a mad man… People call you mad only when you don't live your life like others. Perhaps feel happy. It is like confirming you that you are on your own way, in fact, the right way. 

Don’t break your head to talk to such people, for they always avoid talking with you due to a fear of getting exposed. They avoid you unable to face the truth, they love to be hidden behind the ugly and a mask filled with sweet and dangerous lies. When such people - whether relatives or family members or friends - are not ready to talk with you or avoid you, don’t worry. Be happy, for such people are like clouds, when they’re gone its a beautiful day. 

Never stop questioning, never stop arguing, never stop telling the truth, never stop unmasking the lies and cheating of relatives, family members, and friends. Never stoop down to the level of others to convince or please them. You need not hide the truth, you need not say lies to cover up a mistake, you need not compromise to save someone...     

A fresh start, a new chapter in life is waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this transformative year of delight and self-discovery... It’s never too late to become who you want to be. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over. 


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