
Wednesday 7 November 2018

Student gets marriage offers after rolling her eyes at Farage

A university student says she's received marriage offers after rolling her eyes at Nigel Farage on TV.

A clip of Harriet Ellis looking less than impressed while sitting behind the former UKIP leader during a Channel 4 Brexit debate went viral on Monday.

The 21-year-old says she's since been swamped with messages of support - with people calling her a "hero".

"I've had marriage proposals too, which my boyfriend definitely isn't too happy about," Harriet tells Radio 1 Newsbeat.
Harriet rolled her eyes when Mr Farage argued that Prime Minister Theresa May was delivering a "Remainer's Brexit".

A clip she posted on Twitter showing her expression has had more than 60,000 likes and 7,000 retweets.

The University of Birmingham student says the reaction to her eye-roll has been "mad".

"Most people have been really nice and they're saying really nice things about how I'm speaking for people across the country.

"There's even been people calling me a hero, which I'm not. There's people who are much more deserving of that title."
Harriet says she ended up sitting behind Mr Farage after she arrived late to the debate and took the spot next to her friend.

"Mr Farage came and stood in front of me and I was like 'Oh God'. But it was too late and the debate was about to start."

As the Classics student left the event, a member of the audience rushed over and told her to turn on her phone at once.

"This guy came up to me and said 'Have you checked your phone?' I replied 'No' and he said 'Your phone is about to blow up'.

"He showed me the video and it had 3,000 views at that point. I thought 'OK cool' and then it just kept blowing up until even JK Rowling liked it.

"That was really strange."

Harriet says other things that prompt an eye-roll include pineapple on pizzas
Harriet voted for Brexit in 2016 but says it was Mr Farage's talk of an apparent "Remainer's Brexit" that prompted her eye-roll reaction.

"I think anything Nigel Farage says would make me eye-roll," she explains.

"But it was just the fact that he said 'We've got a Remainer's Brexit' when we absolutely haven't.

"We've got a Brexit fuelled by the wishes of the Leave campaign and Theresa May is not giving us a Remainer's Brexit at all."
So what else in Harriet's life deserves the double eye-roll?

She says pineapple on pizzas and Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg are just two of the things that really rile her.

Meanwhile, a even sterner "triple eye-roll" is reserved for "sexism and misogyny".

(SOurce: BBC)

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