
Saturday 8 September 2018

As floods in Coorg, Kerala subside, the conversion factories are at work 24/7

 In a major operation, the Chandwak police in Uttar Pradesh filed cases agains 271 persons on charges of promoting conversion to Christianity. The charge was that they were spreading misinformation about Hinduism and luring people into their fold.

While this is a major breakthrough, such incidents appear to be on the rise in the country. The agencies have said that missionaries tend to tread into areas which are disaster hit and go about their mission. Kerala and Kodagu are the latest victims of this problem.

Statistics would reveal that conversions to Christianity are the highest in the southern states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Telangana. It is quite rampant in the eastern states as well.

Evangelisation in India, a uniform world policy:
Over the years, the agencies report that the missionaries have become even more aggressive. They want get into the core of the society and enforce Christianity forcibly on people who are gullible. For instance the Bible is translated into every local language in India and distributed.

Recently one saw pictures of a Bible in the Kodava language (Kodava thakk) that were circulated. It must be recalled that Kodagu is flood ravaged and several thousand people continue to be gullible.

File Photo of Kodagu Floods
The case is similar in Kerala as well, which too has been affected by floods. Such incidents of conversions were also reported in the aftermath of Tsunami.

The Madhya Pradesh government had sought a report on missionary activities in the state. A seven member committee said that they had visited 77 centres, 700 villages and heard over 1,000 people.

The committee stated in its report that, "Evangelisation in India appears to be part of a uniform world policy to revive Christendom, to re-establish Western supremacy and is not prompted by spiritual motives. The objective is to disrupt the solidarity of the non-Christian societies, with danger to the security of the State. Enormous sums of foreign money flow into the country, and it is out of such funds that the Lutherans and other proselytising agencies were able to secure nearly four thousand converts. Missions are in some places used to serve extra-religious ends. As conversion muddles the convert's sense of solidarity with his society there is a danger of his loyalty to his country being undermined."

Different tactics:
There are various tactics that have been used by missionaries to enforce conversions. They are quick to reach to disaster hit places and take advantage of the situation. With the aid comes a big clause and that is religion.

Kodagu district has seen several such attempts in the past. This is however for the first time that such a big disaster has hit the district and this means that the people are likely to be more vulnerable.

Several years back, the district had also witnessed something called a Coorgi Christian Fellowship.

This was however reported extensively in the media, following which they shut shop.

In 2010, a conversion racket was unearthed in a place called Ponnampet and it was said that 13 persons were operating in a colony and were forcing gullible tribals to convert. They were found to be luring them with cash and gifts. Further it was also found that they were being assisted by people from Hunsur, Hassan and other places.

The tactics used in Kodagu and Kerala are similar in nature. Kerala has reported several such cases in the past, but the flood victims are gullible.

Take the Chandwak case for instance. The complainant's advocate Brijesh Singh alleged the accused had been convincing people from Jaunpur, Varanasi, Azamgarh and Ghazipur districts for the last few years to visit a church in Baldeh village and attend the prayers there.

They used to spread various misinformation about Hinduism and convince them to embrace Christianity, Singh alleged.

The accused also used to give prohibited medicines and drugs to the visitors and make them convert to Christianity under its influence, Singh alleged.

A vile propaganda:
The seven member committee also noted in its report that a vile propaganda was being carried out against the religion of the minority. There has been an appreciable increase in the American personnel of missionary organisations in India.

This increase is obviously due to the deliberate policy of the International Missionary Council to (exploit) opportunities opened in newly independent countries by mass evangelism through the press radio and television.

Further there are several reports prepared by the Intelligence that show that the missionaries are moving money into India in large numbers. The book Breaking India, by Rajiv Malhotra, an NRI from the US explores this issue in detail. The book written after 5 years of extensive research speaks about a Western project to break India into small independent Christian countries.

The aim of the missionaries is to exploit the existing fault-lines along religion, caste, community, language, ethinicity and race. Exploiting the faultiness there have been conversion factories that have been set up. The aim is to create hatred and divide the dominant non-converted community.

There have been several instances especially in the north-eastern states where an armed struggle has been created to achieve the cause. It took a while for the Indian government to realise how deep-rooted this problem was. At first these agitations and armed struggles were viewed as a political or law and order problem. However it has come to light that this is part of a larger conspiracy hatched abroad.

It is not just staging armed struggles or protests, but the 24/7 conversion factories achieve their goals through various means. Many Hindus who have converted to Christianity were brainwashed into believing that Christianity is a superior religion. An effective propaganda was also run to make Hinduism appear evil.

(Source: Oneindia)

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