
Monday 7 May 2018

Tipples that grow on trees: Japanese researchers concoct ‘wood alcohol’

Discerning drinkers may soon be able to branch out after Japanese researchers said Tuesday they have invented a way of producing an alcoholic drink from wood.

The researchers at the nation’s Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute say the bark-based beverages have woody qualities similar to alcohol that is aged in wood barrels. They hope to have their “wood alcohol” on shelves within three years.

The method involves pulverizing wood into a creamy paste and then adding yeast and an enzyme to start the fermentation process.

By avoiding using heat, researchers say they are able to preserve the specific flavor of each tree’s distinctive wood.

So far, they have produced tipples from cedar, birch and cherry.

Four kilograms of cedar wood gave them 3.8 liters of liquid, with an alcohol content of around 15 percent — similar to that of Japan’s much-loved sake.

Researchers hope to have alcoholic drinks made from wood on store shelves within three years. | GETTY IMAGES
Researchers experimented with both brewed and distilled versions of the new beverage, but “we think distilled alcohol appears better,” said researcher Kengo Magara.

Wood fermentation is already used to produce biofuel but the product contains toxins and is flavorless, making it far from suitable as a cocktail component.

“But our method can make it drinkable, and with a wood flavor, because it does not require high heat or sulphuric acid to decompose the wood,” Magara said.

The institute has a broad mandate for scientific study related to the nation’s extensive woods and forests, but Magara acknowledged “wood alcohol” might not be the most obvious application for their research resources.

“We thought it would be interesting to think that alcohol could be made from something around here like trees,” Magara said.

“It’s a dream-inspired project.”

The government institute aims to commercialize the venture with a private-sector partner, and to have the lumber liquor on shelves within three years.

“Japan has plenty of trees across the nation and we hope people can enjoy wood alcohols that are specialities from each region,” Magara said.

(Source: JT)

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