
Friday 8 December 2017

Indian drumstick tree is the newest health revolution around the world

The drumstick tree is gradually finding its way in the mainstream wellness culture for its wonderful healing properties, writes Disha Roy Choudhury in India Today. Read on: 

It is interesting to see how most people across the world are steadily turning from cosmetic to more herbal, earthy produces.

But who would have thought that something as simple as a drumstick tree would be embraced by people all over the globe as a revolutionary, healthy antidote?

The drumstick tree may be native to the sub-Himalayan areas of the Indian subcontinent, but the fast-growing, drought-resistant product is also being capitalised on by people of other regions, including the West, according to an Independent report.

Moringa tree, how it is popularly known outside the Indian subcontinent, has various healing properties. According to a study published in the journal, Phytotherapy Research, the bark, sap, roots, leaves, seeds and flowers of a drumstick or moringa tree have been traditionally used to treat ailments like welling, stomach disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, epilepsy, thyroid disorder, anemia and sickle-cell disease, and bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic infections.

The tree is also said to have positive effects on liver function, skin, hair, bones, immunity, cardiovascular health, kidney function and eye health. It also helps in preventing cancer, according to

The leaves of a drumstick tree retain a lot of minerals and vitamins, and hence, they are often included in feeding programmes in India and Africa, to fight malnutrition.

Besides, growing drumstick or moringa is hassle-free, cheap and easy. And it also has a very pleasant taste. So, how about adding it to your daily diet programme?

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