
Sunday 1 October 2017

Walkers trek down a steep 2,300ft trail - just inches from a sheer drop in India

This is the incredible Kalavantin Durg Trek that is not for the faint-hearted or those with a fear of heights.

High in the Western Ghats, near Panvel in Mumbai, the trail reaches heights of 2300ft, or 700m, and walkers have to follow the steep steps down, inches from a sheer drop.

Trekkers climb down the steep steps, just inches away from a sheer drop down the side of the mountain

In the heart-stopping video, the walkers clamber down muddy steps, gingerly picking their way down and trying to avoid slipping.

The Kayakers is an outdoor pursuits group based in Prune, India, who loves to go out and explore the nature in the heart of the Black Mountains and filmed the footage in July, 2017.
The trek is the only route to the Kalavantin Durg, which is considered the most dangerous fort in the world

Mangesh Dongare, from the group, said: 'Around 30 people from different backgrounds attended this trip.

'Kalavantin is a 685m high pinnacle on the northern edge of the Prabal plateau, the pinnacle has very steep steps which look scary.

'The trek is about six hours long but it's a thrilling experience.'

Some have said the trail is too risky, but others have praised the trekkers for not being faint-hearted

Kalavantin is considered the most dangerous fort in the world because of the steep steps that surround it.

The video has had mixed reviews on social media.

The walk is dubbed the climb to heaven, and takes people to a beautiful fort, with panoramic views

Mangesh said: 'Reactions have been both positive and negative, some people said it is foolishness to do things like this, some people liked it said its thrilling and adventurous.'

According to India TV, the fort is named after a queen called Kalavantin and the walk is dubbed the 'Climb to Heaven'.

(Source: Daily Mail)

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