
Wednesday 20 September 2017

Qatar Emir: Siege a form of terrorism

Emir H H Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani said yesterday a group of Arab countries imposing an unjust blockade on Qatar are seeking to destabilise a sovereign state.

In his speech during the opening session of the 72nd United Nations General Assembly, the Emir Sheikh Tamim renewed a call for dialogue to end the diplomatic crisis, saying Qatar is open to resolving the dispute through talks without preconditions.

“I stand here, while my country and my people are subjected to a continuing and unjust blockade imposed since June 5 by neighbouring countries. The blockade involves all aspects of life, including the intervention by these countries to rip off family ties,” said the Emir.

The Emir added despite the disclosure of the hacking and falsification of quotes of the Emir of a sovereign State, the blockading countries did not back down or apologise for lying, but rather intensified their campaign, in the hope that the blockade would cause a cumulative effect on the economy and the society of my country, after it failed to bring about any direct impact.

He said the countries which imposed the blockade on the State of Qatar interfere in the internal affairs of many countries, and accuse all those who oppose them domestically and abroad with terrorism. By doing so, they are inflicting damage on the war on terror, while at the same time opposing reform and supporting the tyrannical regimes in our region, where terrorists are initiated in their prisons. He said maintaining the regional and international peace and security is a priority of the State of Qatar’s foreign policy, whose principles and objectives are based on the United Nations’ charter and the rules of international legality which calls for constructive cooperation among States, mutual respect and non-interference in the internal affairs.

The Emir added the issue of settling of disputes by peaceful means is still being addressed as an episodic and non-binding proposal. Perhaps the time has come to impose dialogue and negotiation as a basis for resolving disputes through concluding an international convention on settling disputes between States by peaceful means.

He said the State of Qatar has fought terrorism and it is still fighting it and will continue to do that. It stands in the camp of those who are fighting by security forces, and believes that it is necessary to fight it ideologically as well.

Terrorism and extremism are among the most serious challenges facing the world. Countering them require us all to carry out a concerted action against terrorist organisations and their extremist ideology in order to maintain security for humanity and stability for the world, the Emir said.

In order to achieve security and stability in the Gulf region, we renew the call that we have already launched from this podium, for conducting a constructive dialogue between the GCC countries and Iran on the basis of common interests, the principle of good neighbourliness, respect for the sovereignty of States and non-interference in their internal affairs.

The Emir said Qatar will spare no effort in providing support and assistance to alleviate the humanitarian suffering of our Syrian brothers and to implement our humanitarian pledges within the framework of the United Nations.

(Source: The Peninsula)

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