
Sunday 27 August 2017

Women prefer to marry men with beards, according to science

Women, how do you feel about men with beards?

Well, a new scientific study says that most women view bearded chaps as more trustworthy and as better potential mates than their clean-shaven peers.

The study, which was published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology, said that women see men with beards as being better relationship material.

Why so?

Well, it could be that facial hair indicates maturity, which suggests that the man might be more established and ready to settle down.

Additionally, a strong jawline and other masculine features could make a man less attractive to women, as studies have shown that women prefer men with more “feminine” features. For instance, think Zac Efron or Leonardo DiCaprio rather than Dwayne Johnson (although, yes, we do smell what he is cooking).

A beard works to hide those “masculine” facial angles, which might help to make a man appear more attractive to women.

In the study published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology, it was found that every single woman out of the 8,250 surveyed said that they preferred men with some facial hair. (Be it a bit of scruff, a full-on beard or something in between.)

However, most women would probably agree that a well-groomed beard is more appealing than an “Alaskan Bush People” beard. You want your facial hair to say “grown and sexy” not “castaway.” (Although, around the holidays, you might consider trying out the “Glitter Beard” trend for a Christmas party.)

Additionally, another study found that men with deep voices were also viewed as most masculine and appealing.

So, there you have it, men: If you want to land a lot of ladies, consider growing your facial hair out a bit. . .and if that isn’t your thing, maybe you can drop your voice a few octaves.

Just don’t start talking like Christian Bale in ‘The Dark Knight.” That might be taking it a bit too far.

Bearded or not, once you do find your Prince or Princess Charming, there are several secrets that scientists have learned to make the relationship last (hint: none of them is about facial hair).

When it comes to marital satisfaction, you may want to consider these seven secrets of happy couples, according to science.

1. They Are Agreeable
There’s something to be said about being easy going. One 13-year study from the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that the trait of agreeableness is a predictor of a longer-lasting, more successful marriage.

2. They Master Communication
We all know that communication is key to a happy relationship, and that includes the language you use. One study from Texas Tech University found that subjects who use similar language are more likely to find a match when speed dating. In another study, they found that this continues on into longer term relationships as well.

3. They Avoid Social Media
Facebook and Instagram are fun, but they don’t do much for a marriage. A study from Boston University found a correlation between social media use, spousal troubles and divorce rate. They found that non–social network users reported being 11.4 percent happier with their marriage than heavy social media users.

(Source: Simplemost)

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