
Friday 18 August 2017

THIS is what the shape of your nose says about your personality

They key element of our face that plays a very important role in determining our overall look, which is evident from our obsession with it — Nose.

Every nose shape is unique and different, and interestingly speaks volumes about our personality. The nose shape reveals fun and quirky insights into our inner selves, and the nose comes in different shapes and sizes which makes it even more fun to analyse what each implies. Try and identify your nose, and see how accurate is your personality analysis!

1. Small Nose

Don't mess too much with that friend of yours who has a typically small nose, just because she is cheerful and affable. That's their nature, but sometimes, they can lose their temper and boy, do they get really mad then! Also, they are quite anal about their privacy.

2. Long Nose

You're the one who is born to be a leader. Equipped with a good sense of business, driving ambition, razor-sharp instincts—you can easily carve our your own road to success. Your biggest problems are often derived from your greatest strengths.

3. Big Nose

The bridge of this nose can either be short, or long. But they have wider tips, with nostrils that are really large. The size of the nose is directly related to the sense of power, drive, leadership, ego, and desire to work independently exuded by the nose-bearer. They have a mind of their own, and find it difficult to work under someone else. Also, they hate small talk.

4. Button Nose

A nose that resembles a button, it is the cutest nose of the lot. Women with button shaped nose are said to be imaginative and are usually proud of the shape of their nose.They are particularly caring, loving, optimistic, nurturing and kind. However, button nosed individuals are also known for their emotional instability. They normally feel threatened by persons of stronger will.

5. Fleshy Nose

Basically, a nose that has a narrow root which gradually expands to craft a rather snub end. People who are quick, they think fast and act even faster! They're street-smart and don't waste much time, which sometimes seems a tad bit too aggressive. But, they make extremely loyal, and caring partners.

6. Greek Nose

The Greek nose is a perfectly straight nose, which has pretty narrow nostrils. People born with the Greek nose are highly skilled, and driven by logic. They are naturally intelligent, and hence dependable. You can totally count on them to have your back, always.

7. Roman Nose

This is the nose which has a bridge that effortlessly pulls your attention towards itself. Probably the reason behind the name of this nose-type, people who have this nose are notably very headstrong, and ambitious in nature. They are able to influence others with their words, and know how to make an impact.Their organisational skills are definitely worth a mention!

8. Nubian Nose

Kinda like the long nose, the Nubian nose is distinguished by its wide base, which practically stands out. A classic example of this nose type, is of the former President of USA—Barrack Obama. These people are known to be emotionally expressive, and curious in general. Attractive and charismatic, they have an open mind, they are great at handling conversations.

9. Celestial Nose

Characterised by a dent in the middle of the bridge of the nose, with an upturned tip, people who have the celestial nose are insanely optimistic in life. Their warm personality makes them fiercely loyal friends, and they would readily take a bullet for their close ones. Note: They are extremely adventurous in bed! ;)

10. Hawk Nose

Think about how the beak of a hawk looks? Its nasal counterpart is quite similar. Slightly bent in the centre, with sharp edges, it's that nose type which can be easily identified. People sporting the hawk nose are oozing with confidence, and don't take sh*t from anybody. They believe in living life on their own terms, and naturally stand out amongst their peers.

(Source: Cosmopolitan)

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