
Saturday 29 July 2017

14 stunning photos taken before and after people stopped drinking

Thousands of people find themselves trapped by an alcohol addiction, but the following people show us that it is possible to overcome the obstacles and move on with your life.

Some people stop drinking to lose weight while others are concerned about their livers. It only takes a handful of before and after photos, however, to see just how much of an impact the act of becoming sober can have.

The Reddit user who goes by the name of ghostbackwards showed off the transformation he made in just seven months with this set of side-by-side photos.

He appears to have lost weight, his skin is no longer red, and his beard even looks better groomed.

Another Reddit user, silverladder, shared his own amazing transformation in series of three photos taken on Nov. 29th of 2011, 2012, and 2013.

This now sober man explained in his original post that:

“My life is 180 degrees from where it was just two years ago. I am thankful for sobriety and thankful to have a second chance at life.”
It isn’t only men who have achieved amazing transformations by quitting their drinking habit.

Another Reddit user who goes by the name of brittsuzanne shared her transformation, as well.

In the eight and a half months between the photos, she lost at least 35 pounds and got glowing skin.

For an even better idea of the transformation achieved by staying sober, consider the story of dr_dan_is_sober.

Over the course of a year and a half, this Reddit user went from this:

to this:

For dr_dan_is_sober, becoming sober was about more than no longer drinking:

“In the first photograph, I found myself alone, nearly 300 lbs, in an extraordinary amount of credit card debt (nearly $20,000) and without a job.”
This was the result of a six-year spree of drinking and depression. In his after picture, dr_dan_is_sober is only 180 pounds, is out of debt, has a great career, and is in a happy relationship.

In just six months, size16french made a dramatic transformation.

He went from this:

To this:

He got a wakeup call when he developed acute pancreatitis. With his lifestyle changes, he is now able to bike 33 miles in a single ride!

MEATTEO shows off his impressive transformation, which is highlighted by wearing the same shirt.

He appears more alert after a year of being sober and has lost a significant amount of weight. He also ditched that glass of wine for a bottle of water.

Here’s another look at MEATTEO to help highlight the differences just 300 days can make.

Clearly, becoming sober can help you drop pounds with ease.

After 500 days, the changes in his appearance are even more amazing.

He posted that comparison with the caption “One day at a time,” the key to overcoming alcoholism.

Beth Leipholtz proves that sometimes the best results in your sobriety transformation come before you can even legally drink.

In just over a year, sobriety became normal for her. She lost plenty of weight, along with the bloating linked to alcohol.

Luscrib89 went through six years of heavy drinking before he headed in the right direction.

His photos show him going from a party guy …

… to being sober for a year and a half, shedding the pounds that alcohol had added.

Professionals with a long career behind them have also found the strength to overcome drinking, such as coolcrosby.

The first picture was during his self-described “relapse hell,” with the current image being taken right before his Reddit post.

Some people, like this couple, have learned that it’s easier to make the journey to sobriety together.

As the woman in the picture, Tonya, stated: “It literally saved his life and allowed both of us to have a life worth living.”

On the road to sobriety, it’s important to celebrate every step.

Reddit user SoberApok shared his “work in progress” nine months ago. He went from this:

to this in a little over three months:

Although the road to sobriety is a struggle, you only need a little inspiration to realize that it is possible to reach the goal.

With these people and the other transformation photos paving the way, it is easier for others to follow and turn their lives around.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

(Source: Shareably)

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