
Thursday 2 February 2017

You can actually use Coca Cola and Pepsi as a pesticide

Do you know anything about Alok Prasad Putul, and his story about farmers who use Coca-Cola and Pepsi instead of pesticides? Yes, soft drinks are a lot cheaper alternative than chemical pesticides. This only adds to the list of cons. So, the very same beverage you like to sip is harming your metabolism, and people in India use it to kill bugs. Scary, right?

The Center for Science and Environment is one of the major voluntary agencies in India that confirm that soft drinks produced in the country contain devastating amounts of pesticide residues. Moreover, Indian farmers use these drinks to get rid of pests.

“It’s easier and cheaper to buy Coke in some 3rd world countries than to get clean water. Coca-Cola uses public relations propaganda to convince the buyers that it’s an environmental company when it’s closely linked to disease, water shortages and pollution.

The Coke has been tested in numerous cleaning scenarios and it can be compared to brands to clean oil stains, strip paint and tile grout. The CSE, in 2003 analyzed samples from twelve soft-drink manufacturers and found that all of them contain residues of four toxic insecticides and pesticides.”

Chlorpyrifos, malathion, DDT and lindane are some of these.

The study showed that the chlorpyrifos content was 42 times higher than EEC norms. Malathion was contained in 87 higher levels, and the lindane content was 21 times higher than recommended. Do you know that lindane is banned from use in the US?

It was shown that each sample can trigger the development of long-term cancer, immune disorders, birth defects and damage to the nervous and reproductive systems. The study showed that both Pepsi and Coca-Cola had similar concentrations of pesticides. Coca-Cola samples had 45 times more contaminants than the EEC norms. In Pepsi samples, it was 37 times higher than the regulated limit.

However, Indian subsidiaries chiefs of both companies deny anything that has something to do with these charges. S. Gupta, the President of Coca Cola in India, claimed these revelations to be unfair.

The companies oppose to the fact that their drinks can be used as pesticides.

But, farmers use them to protect their rice. The sale of these drinks marked a drastic increase in villages. Did you know that 1l of Nuvocron, Tracer or Avant costs about 10,000 rupees, which is £120? You can buy 1.5l of Coke for 30 rupees. An acre “soaks up” about 9 bottles, or 270 rupees.

The combination of a bottle of Coke or Pepsi and water will cost you 55-60 rupees for an ace. Now you know why farmers use soft drinks instead of conventional pesticides.

Sharma is an agricultural specialist, and he claims that farmers make a huge mistake when using soft drinks instead of pesticides. Coke and Pepsi are nothing but sugar syrups, which means they attract red ants that eat larva. If it is not Coke, then it is probably Thumbs Up, Pepsi and other local drinks. Some manufacturers use phosphoric and citric acid to enhance the flavor.
Sharma says that using sugary syrup is not a new trend, as farmers sprayed sugary solutions to attract these ants.
The plant gets enough sugar and carbs, which boosts plant’s immunity, and farmers get better crops.
US Coke is packed with high fructose syrup, which makes it more efficient in killing pests. A. Verma, Pepsi sales manager, reveals that sales in rural parts of India has increased by 20 percent.

Johnson and H. B. Mathur, CSE scientists found that soft drinks manufacturers are using groundwater. It is poor quality water that contains pesticide residues, especially in waters near Delhi. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) conducted a study according to which the samples contained excessive amount of fluoride, nitrate, and salinity. They also found traces of chromium, cadmium, and lead.

CSE laboratories tested samples of popular soft drinks in the US. The results showed no pesticide residue.

Over 95 percent of the soft drinks sold in the US are made with municipal water. The bad news is that this water also contains toxins and pharmaceuticals, including trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole, gemifibrozil, estrone, carbamezapine, atrazine, antenolol, chlorine, arsenic and fluoride.

CSE experts say that the regulations for bottled water are stronger than those that apply to soft drinks.

Well, cola is bad for you, but its toxic cousins are much worse.

(Source: Healthy Food And Home Remedies

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