
Saturday 18 February 2017

Is Indira Gandhi’s another name Maimuna Begum? Read the shocking facts about Gandhi family!

Dynasty Family of Congress Party has one too many skeletons in their cupboards! The more you dig History, more and more the Nehru- Gandhi skeletons tumble out! Let’s unearth the  skeleton of Feroze Gandhi,  husband of Indira Gandhi aka Maimuna Begum and Father in law of Sonia Gandhi aka Antonia  Maino. As this skeleton has been deeply and securely buried by the Congress Dynasty, be ready for a profuse rotten stink its exhumation is going to cause! A friendly warning!

Mystery surrounds the Founder of Gandhi Dynasty, Feroze Gandhi whom the Royal Family chose to suppress. Some call him Muslim, some Parsi due to his one parent being Muslim and one Parsi. His original surname is said to be either Khan or Ghandy.  Feroze’s father Jehangir Ghandy was said to be either a Marine Engineer in Killick Nixon or a Liquor and Provisions Merchant from Allahabad. Some say, these Ghandys were family friends of Nehrus while some say Feroze entered the Nehru household by ‘befriending’ Kamala Nehru! Such are the contradictory bits of information available about our Mystery man!

Feroze was a prankster, an indomitable freedom fighter, blessed with a fine hand at mechanical matters as well as a green thumb, having a thorough knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita, egalitarian, democrat and crusader for press freedom. (Refer ‘The Forgotten Gandhi’ by Bertil Falk)

Marrying  Indira Nehru turned out to be like tying a knot with Self-destruction for Feroze Gandhi. The couple had got married by facing a furor of Indians. Inter-religion marriage between a Hindu Brahmin and a Parsi Muslim was indigestible during Pre-Independence era.  Young Indira must have been head over heels in love with Feroze.  The love-birds had a secret ‘Nikaah’ in a Mosque where Indira was converted to Islam and renamed as ‘Maimuna Begum’. According to Indira Gandhi, the days she spent with Feroze in London after their Nikaah were the happiest days of her life! After their return, the couple had a Vedic Wedding for the sake of Indians and published the photo of the same in Newspapers. Playing with religious sentiments of Indians is in the genes of Congress Party.

It is said that Indira blackmailed her father Jawaharlal Nehru about his affair with Padmaja Naidu and pulled his consent for her marriage with Feroze. Nehru was worried about Indira’s political prospects seeing the contempt this wedding alliance had caused among Indians. It is said that M. K. Gandhi came to his rescue by changing Feroze’s surname as ‘Gandhi’ by presenting an affidavit in Mumbai Court through a renowned lawyer Sir Sapru, a close associate of Motilal Nehru. M K Gandhi even appealed to Indians to keep aside their anger and bless the newly-weds.

The marital bliss of this couple was extremely short-lived. After Rajiv’s birth,  Indira and Feroze had unofficially parted ways. To keep the fake façade of Nehru- Gandhi Dynasty, Feroze could not divorce Indira. Though entangled in unfinished marriage with Feroze, Indira had her second son Sanjay from Mohammad Yunus, Indira’s close aide and advisor.  Feroze had to legally father a baby born out of his wife’s illicit relationship.  As a baby, Sanjay Gandhi was circumcised following Islam custom. (Source: ‘The Nehru Dynasty’ by K N Rao)

Later Indira Gandhi had a prolonged affair of a decade with M O Mathai, Personal Secretary of Jawaharlal Nehru. Mathai had become a resident member of Teen Murthy Bhavan where Feroze was also put up to quench the rumors of separation. Mathai and Indira made no bones to hide their illegal affair from Feroze. In early fifties, Indira even became pregnant from Mathai but got it aborted. This affair gave rise to rivalry between Mathai and Feroze. In 1958, the affair came to an abrupt end when Mathai caught Indira red handed with a Young Brahmachari in her bedroom. (Source- Reminiscences of the Nehru Age by M O Mathai ) Link:

Feroze had become Lok Sabha MP by then and moved to his quarters. It was unbearable for him to stay under the same roof with Indira and Nehru. He demanded on Rajiv’s custody but was denied. (as only Rajiv was his genetic son). They even denied him an access to Teen Murthy Bhavan. The bitterness in the relationships with Indira caused a mental block for him that prevented him from visiting Rajiv. His last decade of life was full of loneliness and he started neglecting his health. In spite of the failure on the domestic front, Feroze Gandhi was very Investigating Parliamentarian. He made his mark in Parliament by exposing the LIC (which had invested money in companies owned by Calcutta businessman Haridas Mundhra), which led to the resignation of then finance minister TT Krishnamachari, a Nehru favorite. This angered Nehru a lot.

Feroze spoke rarely in Parliament. But whenever he spoke, he made a mark! The more he started getting political acclaim, the more he got into the bad books of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi. His piloted the Parliamentary Proceedings (Protection of Publication) Act 1956 which empowered media as well as the members of the Indian parliament. During the Emergency era, the Act was amended but was brought back in 1977.

On personal front, he found happiness again and talked to Indira for a divorce so that he could remarry. And suddenly he expired at the age of 47 years in 1960. His death was said to be from heart attack. But his untimely death proved timely for Indira and Nehru. They both felt relieved by his death. Even today, mystery shrouds his death. (As per Author R V Bhasin Advocate, Supreme Court)

When Nehru witnessed a large crowd of needy, poor and laborers gathered to pay their respects to their dead leader, he couldn’t stop uttering, “I had no idea Feroze was so popular!” With six decades of Congress Rule, Feroze Gandhi has been successfully robbed of his identity as a freedom fighter and an acclaimed Politician!

(Source: Post Card)

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