
Friday 10 February 2017

iPhone users don’t want to date Android users

The age-old clash between Android and Apple has been going on for long time and it appears like American iPhone users are especially picky when it comes to this.

Dating site recently conducted a survey of over 5,500 smartphone users aged over 18 and discovered that the iPhone users are 21 times more likely to judge others negatively for using an Android smartphone. At the same time, Android users are 15 times more likely to judge others negatively for using an iPhone.

One explanation for this could be the fact that iPhone users generally receive higher incomes than Android users. Research group ComScore  released The US Mobile App report, sharing key findings and insights into the fast-growing mobile app landscape and found that the median iPhone user earns $85,000 per year — which is 40 per cent more than the median Android user with an annual income of $61,000.

Other aspects that play an important role in deciding whether both Android and iPhone users would like to date someone are: Bad grammar, crooked or discoloured teeth and bad sense of fashion. Additionally, the survey also found that nearly 15 per cent of adults who are currently dating would think twice before dating someone with a cracked smartphone screen.

Has technology and social media biasness gone too far?

(Source: DC)

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