
Sunday 5 February 2017

A letter to my Ex: Why relations are so damn hard

If you ever bump into him, tell him that I am happy and living life on my terms. Tell him that I have got the promotion I wanted and have finally reached that phase in my career that I was craving for. Tell him that I went for that solo trip I was longing for. Tell him that I smile a lot more and party harder. The next time you meet him, tell him that I am doing well for myself and I wish he could see me climb the success ladder. Tell him that I am slowly achieving every single thing on my bucket list.

If you see him, make sure you don't let him get a whiff of the fact that I still think of him every night before sleeping. Don't tell him that he is still 'my space' and I spend all my 'me time' with his memories. Don't tell him that I still wish that every time I have a bad dream I can call him up without a second thought. Don't tell him I miss our late night talks, where we discussed everything under the sun from work to love to dreams to fantasies. If you meet him, make sure you talk about me, tell him that I am fighting battles; but don't let him know how much I crave for his warm hug during those struggles.

If you meet him, tell him that I have done away with all the gifts that he gave me, but don't let him know that they are all still stacked in the last shelf of my cupboard. Don't tell him that I still read the letters he wrote and cry myself to sleep on the days I miss him the most. Don't tell him that I miss seeing his name on my call logs. Don't tell him that I still visit the library every Saturday with a hope of catching a glimpse of him.

If you see him, talk about all my professional achievements but make sure u don't bring up my personal life, because he'll know, 'I'm barely getting through'. Don't let him know that with every shooting star, I wish i could hold him one last time, kiss him one last time. Don't tell him that that I still sip on his favourite black coffee and eat baked beans because it was his favourite breakfast. Don't let him know, that I compare every man with him and no one is even half as good. If you see him, tell him only half the truth.

If you see him, tell him I that I wish him the best of luck, but make sure he doesn't know that if he ever wants to come back, I will let him back into my life, in a single heartbeat!

(Source: Filtercopy)

1 comment:

  1. This is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me Called Dr Ikhile. ,I live in California. My Husband is back! After 3 years of marriage, my husband left me with two kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and things was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called Dr Ikhile who I met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was Surfing on the internet for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex-lover back, some testified that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called grace, she testified about how Dr Ikhile brought back her Ex-lover in less than 24 hours and at the end of her testimony she gave Ikhile Website . After reading all, I decided to give Dr Ikhile a try. I contacted him with his Website and explained my problem to him. In just 2 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. Dr Ikhile is really A great spell caster he is the answers to your marriage Issues and I will not stop publishing this great testimony because he is a wonderful Spell Caster If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve that problem for you. Try Dr Ikhile today, he might be the answer to your problem. you can text me on my number for more infomation about him +1(424)-229-9390 here's his contact WhatsApp +27789518085 and Email on , website:
