Friday 13 January 2017

Woman paints picture of unborn baby on canvas using only her menstrual blood

Creating art work using different mediums is ok, but how about using menstrual blood? Romanian artist used her menstrual blood to make a painting of a baby. Read it below:

A woman used nine months' worth of her menstrual blood to make a painting of a baby.

Using just her fingers and used tampons to create the work, artist Timi Páll created one canvas each month.

Nine months later, the canvases fit together like a puzzle to create her finished piece - titled 'The Diary of My Period' - of an unborn child in the womb.

Ms Páll, from Oradea, Romania, shared pictures of her work on Facebook saying she'd been inspired to paint with her menstrual blood after realising the 'value of her period.'
Romanian artist Timi Páll created a massive painting of a baby using her menstrual blood called 'The Diary of my Period'
The graphic designer, who freelances as a painter and illustrator, wrote: 'One drop of experiment and I realize the beauty of the pain, the value of the period, fertilizing my whole being.

'The periodic elimination of my ovum with my menstrual flow inspired me to give birth to something which has a biological end, and to create the start of the end.'

She added: 'I feel that this artwork has a mission, even if it's not able to see, to talk, or to breathe but maybe the audience will see, talk and breath instead of this little creature.' [sic]

And Ms Páll isn't the first woman to have the idea to use her menstrual blood as paint.

Jess Cummin, a student at the prestigious Glasgow School of Art and Design, started using hers to create paintings in late 2015.

She paints by collecting her menstrual blood on a brush or using tampons.

'I think people think it's gross but it's not,' she previously told Femail.

'Other people use oils or charcoal – this is no different.'

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