
Thursday 20 October 2011

Elephant Falls in Shillong- Day 4

Elephant Falls was called Ka Kshaid Lai Pateng Khohsiew, means three steps waterfalls in the Khasi language. The British later named it Elephant Falls because of the huge elephant like rock near this waterfall. We couldn’t see the rock as it had been destroyed by an earthquake in 1897.  The falls is around 10 km from Shillong.
On the way to Elephant Falls

Counter to collect parking fee

Elephant Falls

First Falls to the right and other two falls to the left...

Why it is Elephant and not any other animal?!

We took tickets and went inside. In the beginning itself we saw some women dressed in traditional Khasi dress posing for photographs.
Women in Khasi traditional dress

He can't take his eyes off those beautiful women...

It was a different experience to see tall trees from both sides of the pathway and long prop roots hanging effortlessly from them. The thick green canopy in the background just added to the beauty.
Tourists from various parts of the country
Closer look of the first fall

First fall

Elephant Falls is a three-tiered waterfall and the water comes down in cascades from different levels. Indeed, it was a sight worth watching. The water column carved out its way and surrendered to gravity at two successive locations. The gigantic stream accumulated just at the pinnacle came crashing down the terrain and rebound only to cover a short distance and once again leapt into a daunting gorge. The very sight of natural pandemonium was enough to make us miss a heartbeat and jump with joy. I wondered how brilliant the waterfall may look during monsoon. It may increase manifold in both size as well as in the volume of water during the monsoon.

Towards the second and third falls

As we moved from each level, we could hear the chirping birds amidst the gurgling sound of the falls. The surrounding basin of the falls sheltered by the sky like green vegetation provided a perfect backdrop to the enchanting spot. Ferns, orchids in beautiful combination of purple, green and crimson red colours and some other beautiful plants along the way just helped us to keep our mind happy inspiring us to go further and further.
Second falls

No swimming...

Third falls

Third and final falls
We spent quite a good time in the pool below the falls and saw so many tourists relaxing there. Had they not put any barricades, it was tempting to walk right into the falling water and stand under the pouring water. After clicking several pics, it was time to say goodbye to this beautiful and gorgeous falls.

By the time we came back to the top, we were too tired. We saw some shops here also selling handicrafts.

Then we headed towards Lumparing Buddhist Lamasery.


  1. NIce one thereeeee... love this post.. good one .. keeeppp goingg...

  2. Thanks, Umer... keeeeeeep readinggggggggg ;)
