
Thursday 6 October 2011

Bounced Cheques Top Qatar Crime List

More than 40 cheques bounced daily in Qatar in 2010, topping the country’s chart of crimes, according to official figures.

About 40 cheques issued by males bounced daily; while it was only three in the case of females,  data released by the Qatar Statistics Authority (QSA) revealed.

For every one female who issued bounced cheques there were more than 10 males who issued bad cheques daily during the period under review.

About 26 cheques issued by expatriates bounced daily: it was 17 in the case of Qataris.

A total of 56,151 criminal cases were registered in 2010, of which 28% (15,846) were related  to bounced cheques; followed by traffic offences 13% (7,216); working without a sponsor and theft 9% each (5,010 and 4,893); assault 7% (3,837); environmental and building violations 5% (2,892); damage to moveable property 3% (1,507) and fraud 2% (1,196). Non-specified cases, classified as others, constituted 14% (7,788).

Of the 15,846 cheque bounce cases, males accused accounted for 91% (14,486) and females 9% (1,360); while it was 60% in case of non-Qataris (9,430) and 40% Qataris (6,416).

Last year, there were reports that the Qatar Central Bank could scrap the system of post-dated cheques by May but the move was postponed.

According to QSA figures, expatriates were found to have more brushes with the law than citizens in 2010 and that males were by far the worst offenders.

QSA figures found that of the total crimes, those committed by males constituted 92% (51,846) and the remaining 8% by females (4,305). Among both males and females, the bounced cheque cases led the way followed by traffic offences.

Working without a sponsor was the third most prevalent crime in the case of males whereas it was fourth in the case of females. Of the 5,010 cases of working without a sponsor, males were the majority with 4,615 cases and the remaining 395 by females. As many as 4,606 expatriates were reported to have been working without a sponsor.

Nationality-wise, it was found that 70% of the total cases were related to non-Qataris (39,413) and the remaining 30% by Qataris (16,738).

There were  205 cases related to national security, of which males accused numbered 196 and the remaining nine females. Nationality-wise, non-Qataris’ share in such cases was 185 and 20 by citizens.

Among the 960 cases involving work injury, 923 were related to males and 37 females;  nationality-wise, there were 948 relating to non-Qataris and 12 among citizens.

There were 626 cases relating to drugs with males accused constituting 604 and females 22; whereas it was 345 and 281 in the case of expatriates and Qataris.

There were also 310 cases of drunkenness, of which 303 accused were males and only seven females; and the ratio was 265 and 45 in the case of non-Qataris and Qataris respectively.

The country also reported 214 cases of “meddling with females” with 208 cases among males; statistics revealed that 163 offenders were expatriates and 51 were Qataris.

The least number of cases related to (destruction of) public property, which numbered 82, of which 79 were reported to be committed by males and only three by females;  nationality-wise, it was 72 and 10 in case of expatriates and citizens respectively. 

(Source: Gulf Times)

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